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Mini-Survey - October 2019

Thank you for responding to the 2019 Summerville Patient Experience Survey in February 2019.  Please click here for a summary of results.  We are delighted to work with you to make sure your voice is included in our planning process. We heard you and would like to hear more!  Your response by 1st November would be most appreciated.

In the past survey we asked which program areas you would like us to focus on. The top five responses were
  • Healthy Aging (42%)
  • Healthy Eating (32%)
  • Nutrition and Fitness (31%)
  • Stress and Anxiety (28%)
  • Mindfulness/Meditation (26%)
1. Are there other areas you would like to see addressed?
2. If you were to attend one of our groups, what would be the most important feature for you?
Sharing experiences with other members  
Developing a social network  
Learning about your particular health concern  
Being taught strategies to help manage your health concern  
Access to different health professionals in one visit  
3. We are developing a healthy aging program and would like to get additional input. Would you be interested in participating in an engagement session? Engagement sessions are group in-person meetings of about 8 - 12 persons lasting about an hour.
Yes No
If yes, please click here for a confidential page where you can provide your name, age range, gender, and preferred method of contact (email or phone number) so that we may contact you about your participation. 
4. If you can't attend an engagement session, we would still like to hear about what matters to you with regard to healthy aging. Please check all that apply
What is healthy aging
Weight Management
Physical Activity
Medication Management
Falls Risk Prevention
Mental Health
End of Life
Community Supports/Resources
Legal Issues (Wills/POA)
Assisted Living
Volunteer Opportunities
Assistive Devices
Bowel and Bladder Health
5. We are also proposing to create a series of free education sessions delivered by our team of interdisciplinary healthcare providers. Please select the top three (3) topics you would find most of interest.
Healthy Eating
Weight Management
Stress Management
Fad Diets
Medication Management
Back Health/Pain
Picky Eating
Gut Health (diet and probiotics)
Assisted Living
Physical Activity
Community Supports/Resources
Volunteer Opportunities
Pre-conception and pregnancy
Falls Risk Prevention
Assistive Devices
Cognitive Impairment FAQs
Bowel and Bladder Health
6. How would you like these education sessions delivered?
Facilitated webinar, so I can access from home but still have access to a health care professional to answer questions
Self-directed webinar, so I can access anytime
7. What is your preferred time of day to attend an educational session?
10 – 11 a.m.
12 noon – 1 p.m.
4 – 5 p.m.
6 – 7 p.m.